New Website Design

6 posts by 5 authors in: Forums > CMS Builder
Last Post: June 11   (RSS)

By Lucia - May 16 - edited: May 16

Hi everyone,

As you may be able to tell, we've just made live a new, more modern design for our website. Let us know what you think! We'd love to know if there's anything you love, hate, or if you find anything that's broken.


Technical Lead

Hi Lucia

The website looks great.

I've found an error. The link to download the latest version comes up with an error: Error(3): Download filepath doesn't exist!

The error is on this page:



Thanks Jeff! I've fixed the link.

Technical Lead

Great feedback, Jeff, thanks.  We'll work on getting the contrast issue fixed ASAP.

Dave Edis - Senior Developer

I mostly like the update. The look and feel is a tad more elegant with the soft corners and a softening of the contrast. However, as Jeff pointed out, the contrast needs to come up a couple of ticks to be a bit more readable.  I get the "why" as it also makes the headings and display areas easier to read and focus on those; but the execution just needs an adjustment. The look is more pleasing but keeping the function.  Thank you.