Re: The CMSB cannot be installed!!!

9 posts by 2 authors in: Forums > CMS Builder
Last Post: June 6   (RSS)

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I have the same issue. I am getting the below error message, therefore, I can't install CMSB 3.65.

mysqli: error setting character set utf8mb4: Can't initialize character set utf8mb4 (path: /usr/local/share/mysql/charsets/)

Is there any work around so I can move forward?

Please advise

HI yusuketaga, 

It sounds like it might be a MySQL server configuration issue.  You should definately have a utf8mb4 charset.

I'd check with your server admin.  Also, can you list the files in /usr/local/share/mysql/charsets/ or check what your MySQL version is? 

Dave Edis - Senior Developer

Hi Dave,

Thank you for your reply.

I' ve asked a server admin, he said, utf8mb4 charset is not supported.

MySQL version is 5.5.

Hi yusuketaga,

It would be good to upgrade to a more recent MySQL if possible, but if note the latest CMSB to support MySQL 5.5 was version 3.63.

If you need a copy of that feel free to email me direct and I'll see if I can find it for you.

Hope that helps!

Dave Edis - Senior Developer

Hi Dave,

I will try 3.61. since this is the closest version to 3.63. I have.

If it doesn't work, I will email asking 3.63.



Ok, sounds good.  Good luck and let us know if you need any help.

Dave Edis - Senior Developer

No luck on 3.61.

Since the CMSB is installed on client’s active server, we are no longer use it for testing purpose.

We are currently setting up a developing environment so we can try various tests.

I will let you know the result.

Thank you,

Hi Dave,

Thank you so much for your kind advice.
I will let my staff know about it.
