3.70 Sessions

5 posts by 2 authors in: Forums > CMS Builder
Last Post: June 11   (RSS)

I've noticed that if I am logged out of a session on one browser window, it logs me out of all of them. That's expected, but I can't log back in to any of them unless I close them all out first and start over. If you try to log back in and you have multiple windows open to that CMSB, it will just keep looping back to the login screen. Closing out all CMSB windows will fix it.

This creates a new problem, because if I was working on some content and the session timed out, I could just open CSMB in a new window, login, and continue on with my work in the other window.

Kenny H

Hi Kenny, 

I can't reproduce that locally, but we did change how the cookies work.  They're now sending a "SameSite: Lax" header (which is more secure than not sending a header).  It's possible an older cookie is taking precedence.  Could try clearing your cookies and/or changing the value of 'cookiePrefix' in your settings file?   This will prevent any old cookies from bring used.

If that doesn't help, let me know what browser you're using and feel free to email in server details and we can take a look.


Dave Edis - Senior Developer

By KennyH - June 10 - edited: June 10

Hi Dave - 

What if I have multiple CMSB installations open, but they all have the same cookie prefix and php session id prefix? Should I be making these unique?  They are all unique - I just checked.

I also have had 3 clients email me today and tell me they are being logged out very quickly. I told them to clear their browser cache and it worked. I've done the same thing, but it does it only last for a little while.

I'm using Chrome, and have much better luck with Firefox

Kenny H

Hi Kenny, 

Thanks for the report.  We'll do some research and report back shortly.  

Dave Edis - Senior Developer