Convert to webp (override)

4 posts by 2 authors in: Forums > CMS Builder
Last Post: June 21   (RSS)

Hi, I am currently working on a new site and have all images to automatically convert to webp, which is great and works well. However I just realised that a client is wanting an animated gif for a logo, and the uploaded gif is converted to webp. It would be great if there was an option to override convert to webp on an individual upload field, set by admin.

Hi Zaba, 

We've got some code in there to detect animated gifs and not convert them to webp.  However, if you have "Resize images larger than" set for your upload field it might resize the gif and you'll lose the animation.

Can you confirm that the file is .webp and not .gif?  And if it is a .gif email it to me at and we'll take a look.


Dave Edis - Senior Developer

Hi Dave,

You are correct, I had the system set to resize it on upload.
Thank you for clarification.
No further action required.

Cheers Chris