CMSB 3.71 installation issue with foreign keys FAILS & FIX

5 posts by 3 authors in: Forums > CMS Builder
Last Post: July 30   (RSS)

I like using data integrity whenever possible, and now, with CMSB, we can. I created a new project for a small e-commerce solution for one of my clients.

I have 4 tables:

  • products,
  • product_variants FK to product.num,
  • orders,
  • order_items FK orders_num to orders.num and FK product_variant_num to product_variants.num

When I tried to move the site from development to staging, I used the 'restore from backup' installation method. It blew up do to Foreign Keys not existing.

The problem was the order of the tables in the backup file, which is alphabetical. However, it is necessary for the tables that the FK points to be installed first.

The backup file installed order_items first but failed because neither orders nor product_variants had been installed first.


I manually created the 4 tables in the necessary order using phpMyAdmin: products first, then product_variants followed by orders and lastly order_items. I was able to simply copy the table structure (whew) from the database editor (MySQL source) which worked flawlessly.

Once I manually created the 4 tables, the 'restore from backup' procedure proceeded without error, and the world was right again.


I believe the solution is for the backup file to turn off Foreign Keys.


-- Restore all tables

Jeff Shields

Hi Jeff, 

Great find, overview and fix!  We'll enable/disable SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS in the next version when importing.

Also, glad to hear you're making use of that feature. :-)


Dave Edis - Senior Developer

By TimHurd - July 30 - edited: July 30

Hi Jeff,

Yeah dealing with FK columns can always be tricky when it comes to moving schemas between databases. However, if you disable the FK check constraints as you suggested earlier, I don't see why you would need to go through the whole process of deleting columns and renaming tables (assuming the target system is fresh).

It should just be a matter of disabling the FK constraints for the database, copy over the schemas and then re-enabling the constraints. 

I agree that simply trying to create tables alphabetically without disabling the FKs is going to give you issues, but disabling the FKs should also allow you to create the tables in any order you want. It turns out to be a pretty much straight copy over operation at that point since no referential integrity checks are being done with the FKs. 

If cmsbuilder doesn't disable the keys first then obviously that would be the issue. The rest should be pretty straight forward if I understand things correctly.

Now... if you are changing the table names for other reasons (like a custom prefix you want to use for the new database) then obviously you will have to update the FKs to point to the right tables. 

It just sounds like a lot of work you are going through to achieve something that should be a bit simpler. :)

Tim Hurd
Senior Application Developer

Hi Tim,

I agree, it should have been straight forward. I got myself into trouble but copying schemas from one CMSB app to another.

CMSB couldn’t create the one table due to the order they were created as soon as I opened CMSB admin. Renaming the tables was a way to avoid the issue going forward.

Jeff Shields