DB Connection Check Issue
7 posts by 3 authors in: Forums > CMS Builder
Last Post: September 23 (RSS)
By tbcshifter - September 17
I have some nightly scripts that are very important to be executed, but sometimes the DB connection fails for a random reason causing the entire script to die. So I created a wrapper that runs the connectToMySQL() function in a loop that sleeps if the connection fails and continues to attempt to connect. This used to work very well before the update to using the DB class.
I couldn't figure out why it wasn't retrying on fail recently until I just noticed that the DB::isConnected() function only checks that the $mysqli variable has been instantiated. When DB::connect() throws an exception, it doesn't reset the $mysqli variable. So when I check DB::isConnected() it always returns true after the first attempt. I created a workaround to call DB::disconnect() after a failed attempt, but it would seem that DB::isConnected() should be refactored to actually check that we have a connection, not that it was just attempted.
By Tim - September 17
Hi tbcshifter,
You make a valid point. Anything that causes a failure during a connection should really update that variable to reflect the true status of the connection and allow isConnected() to reflect that. It should also allow a second connect() to start from a fresh new state. That way you can connect, throw an error, catch it and then initiate a new connect() (be it after a sliding delay I imagine, you wouldn't want to hit your server repeatedly within milliseconds).
I will let Dave take a look at it and see if perhaps there is even a more comprehensive way.
Thanks for the comment!
Senior Web Programmer
By Dave - September 17
Hi tbcshifter,
Thanks for the detailed report and background info. Here's an updated isConnected() method that checks for an active connection.
* Checks if the MySQLi connection is active.
* @return bool True if connected, false otherwise.
public static function isConnected(): bool {
return self::$mysqli instanceof mysqli && self::$mysqli->ping();
Can you give that a try and let me know if it works for your use case?
By tbcshifter - September 21
Dave, found an issue with this new code. The ping() takes about 0.2 seconds. This function is called all over the place in functions like mysql_escape() where you might run that dozens of times on the page. Insert scripts that used to take a couple of seconds to run are now taking 30 or 45 seconds. So I have to remove the ping(). It might make sense to have a parameter that runs the ping() when you want a "real" check, but not run it every time by default.
By Dave - September 23
Hi tbcshifter,
Yea, we just ran into that as well. We've updated the mysql_escape() code for the upcoming beta as follows as it just needs to know that a connection was established, not that it is active. $mysqli->real_escape_string continues to work even if a connection is dropped.
* Escapes input for use in MySQL queries, preventing SQL injection.
* @param mixed $input The input to escape
* @param bool $escapeLikeWildcards Whether to escape LIKE wildcards % and _ (default: false)
* @return string The escaped string
* @throws DBException If called before database connection is established
function mysql_escape(string|int|float|bool|null $input, bool $escapeLikeWildcards = false): string
if (!DB::$mysqli) {
throw new DBException("mysql_escape() called before DB connection established");
$processed = $escapeLikeWildcards ? addcslashes((string)$input, '%_\\') : (string)$input;
return DB::$mysqli->real_escape_string($processed);
That should speed it up a lot. Let me know if you run into any other issues with it.
Also, here's the code code we used to simulate a disconnection for testing, in case it might be helpful:
echo "\$mysqli->ping() = " . (DB::$mysqli->ping() ? 'connected' : 'disconnected') . "\n";
echo "Simulate disconnection with SET SESSION wait_timeout = 1;\n";
$r = DB::$mysqli->query("SET SESSION wait_timeout = 1;");
time_sleep_until(microtime(true) + 1.5);
echo "\$mysqli->ping() = " . (DB::$mysqli->ping() ? 'connected' : 'disconnected') . "\n";
By tbcshifter - September 23
Dave, that looks great, thanks.
While I was in there, I thought I'd mention a few other enhancements that I added over the years in case you want to incorporate any of them.