Event Calendar - weekly view

94 posts by 3 authors in: Forums > CMS Builder
Last Post: 14 hours ago   (RSS)

Can you send me the data (events)? Thanks!

Here's the data backup for events

By Djulia - October 29 - edited: October 29

Oops! I forgot to include the production mode queries. :/

Could you try this version? Thanks!


calendar.zip 11K


Thank you, it's working in production mode as well.

I added a JavaScript function to adjust the text contrast on events. Thanks!

By MercerDesign - October 29 - edited: October 29

One more thing I've noticed, the Lauds event starts at 7:30 but on the day view it's not showing correctly. https://rodneys46.sg-host.com/calendar/?year=2024&month=11&day=03&view=day

I;ve got an event on the 4th November that starts at 6:15 but it's not showing on the day view. https://rodneys46.sg-host.com/calendar/?year=2024&month=11&day=04&view=day

Thank you

By Djulia - October 30 - edited: October 30

Hi MercerDesign,

I added a link to switch to day view for the corresponding numbers, thinking it would make it easier to use.

Thanks, Djulia


calendar.zip 11K

Perfect. Thank you