Event Calendar - weekly view

94 posts by 3 authors in: Forums > CMS Builder
Last Post: 13 hours ago   (RSS)

Thank you, but that still doesn't work. The event just disappears when the time is 1.00 - 1.10

Could you send me an events file? I can’t seem to reproduce the issue. Thanks!

I've attached my working files.

Hi MercerDesign,

Could you try with these two files in example mode?

I also added an event in the array():

  'title' => 'Annual Conference',
  'start_date' => '2024-11-13 13:00:00',
  'end_date' => '2024-11-13 13:10:00',
  'permalink' => 'annual-conference',
  'description' => 'Annual conference on technological innovations.',
  'location' => 'Main Auditorium',
  'category' => 'conference'



files.zip 12K

That works in example mode.

And what if you switch to production mode?

By MercerDesign - November 13 - edited: November 13

It doesn't work: https://rodneys46.sg-host.com/calendar/?year=2024&week=45&view=week

I update an event on Sunday 3rd November to be 1.00 - 1:10 and it just disapperas.

By Djulia - November 13 - edited: November 13

Oops! In your calendar.php file, you need to place calendar_functions.php after viewer_functions.php.

I've done that.