uploads info fields not upgraded

2 posts by 2 authors in: Forums > CMS Builder
Last Post: November 27   (RSS)

By kitsguru - November 16 - edited: November 16

I have an app that uses CBSB 3.73. I had an old database backup from CMSB 3.53 that contained the data I needed for a client. I imported the data fine but notice that the uploads table did not get converted to use mediumtext for the info fields.

On examining the code, I see that the routine will not run. I only runs if the version is 3.71. Also a clean install with 3.73, although the fields are medium text, and text boxes, they only show as text field and are truncated to 254 characters. 


I just discovered that each upload field in each table can be controlled separately.

function _upgradeToVersion3_71() {
    if (settings('programVersion') >= '3.71' && settings('programBuild') >= '2652') { return; }

    // regenerate cookie prefix so that new login cookies are created with the new SameSite=Lax attribute
    $newCookiePrefix = substr(md5((string)mt_rand()), 0, 5).'_';
    Settings::set('cookiePrefix', $newCookiePrefix);

    // update upload info columns to mediumtext (from VARCHAR(255))
    $result = DB::query("ALTER TABLE `:_uploads` 
                          MODIFY info1 MEDIUMTEXT,
                          MODIFY info2 MEDIUMTEXT,
                          MODIFY info3 MEDIUMTEXT,
                          MODIFY info4 MEDIUMTEXT,
                          MODIFY info5 MEDIUMTEXT");
    if ($result->errno) {
        alert("Error updating uploads table info columns to mediumtext. Mysql Error($result->errno): $result->error<br>\n");

    saveAndRefresh('3.71', '2652');
Jeff Shields