Error: Password cannot be blank

Hi Guys, 

ive recently moved our crm to a new server. php 8.3.6. not everytime , but most of the time when i try to log in to the cmsb i get the "Error: Password cannot be blank"  and we cant login, would anybody have any ideas? 

i have had this error: Password cannot be blank in /home/*******/admin/plugins/websiteMembership/websiteMembership.php on line 155 which is: loginCookie_set($userRecord['username'], getPasswordDigest(@$_REQUEST['password']));

any help would be useful. thanks in advance

Hi David, 

Can you fill out a second level support request here:

I'll take a look and see if it's caused by anything related to CMS.  If you can, also provide steps to reproduce.


Dave Edis - Senior Developer

Hi David, 

Okay, can you see if the error gets logged to the error log and send me that at

Under Admin > Backup, you could back up the error log table and send it to me. 

There might be some clues in there as to what is going on on the server.

Dave Edis - Senior Developer