BUG CMSB 3.75 Generated Columns

2 posts by 2 authors in: Forums > CMS Builder
Last Post: 4 hours ago   (RSS)

By kitsguru - Sunday at 1:43pm - edited: Sunday at 2:33pm

I changed my generated column, but the output did not reflect the results. A quick check showed a discrepancy between the schema and the MySQL source.

  'gen_links' => array(
    'order' => 53,
    'label' => 'Gen links',
    'type' => 'GeneratedColumn',
    'gcExpr' => 'CONCAT(permalink,if(LENGTH(shadow_permalink),CONCAT("<br>-> ", shadow_permalink)))',
    'gcType' => 'STORED',
    'indexed' => '0',
    'customColumnType' => 'TEXT',

`gen_links` text GENERATED ALWAYS AS (concat(`permalink`,`shadow_permalink`)) STORED,

I quit the browser, reopened it, and then navigated to the database editor, hoping it would detect and fix the issue. The problem remained. I tried editing the column again, but it would not update, regardless of the changes.


Manually deleted the column from the database, went back to database editor, says it added column. I checked MySQL source, and the column has NOT been added.

Jeff Shields