HOW TO: List Options

9 posts by 3 authors in: Forums > CMS Builder
Last Post: Yesterday at 9:17pm   (RSS)

I have a table cmsb_member with num (record number), lastname and firstname.  I have cmsb_tournament with member_id, member (as a list with advance SQL selecting cmsb_member lastname + firstname).  How can I update cmsb->tournament->member_id with cmsb_member->num once the list option is chosen?

Ex. cmsb_member 10 (num), Smith (lastname), Greg (firstname)

cmsb_tournament create

cmsb_tournament member (list shows "Smith, Greg") to choose from.  Once saved, I need cmsb_tournament->member_id = cmsb_member->num (10).

Hope this makes sense.


Hi Rich,

Typically, you wouldn't store member_id as a separate field in the cmsb_tournament table. Instead, you should set up a foreign key (or related record) that links directly to the num field in the cmsb_member table. This approach avoids the issue of having to update two separate fields simultaneously (the member field and the member_id field in cmsb_tournament), which could easily lead to inconsistencies.

By establishing this foreign key relationship, any query on cmsb_tournament can use the link to cmsb_member to retrieve the member's details, such as first and last name, based on the ID stored in cmsb_tournament.member. This ensures that all member-related information is maintained in a single location (the cmsb_member table) and remains consistent.

Have you considered using a foreign key or related record field to reference the member in cmsb_member? :)

Tim Hurd
Senior Web Programmer

Hi Rich, 

Some more thoughts on this.  

Do you have two fields in cmsb_tournament?  And if so, can you just use one `member_id` with the num as the value and the name as the label?  

What's the end goal?  What are you trying to accomplish? 

Dave Edis - Senior Developer

Hi Dave.  The Foreign key work perfectly.  While I'm using the ID as the key, I can use SQL to create the text field to display (ie. 'firstame,lastname').  

thank you


Hi Dave.  I've been adding foreign key to my table, where I need about 150 keys.  While adding I received the following error.

"Error adding foreign key constraints"

"Last SQL query (visible to admin only)

Alter table 'cmsb_paring' ADD FOREIGN KEY

('group19_player4) REFERENCES 'cmsb_member' ('num') ON



I've been using all the defaults and this occured on the 64th record.

To give you more context.  I have 144 golfer members. I'm creating golf parings of 4 in each group.  I'm using a Foreign key to reference the golf member vs duplicating their information.  The Foreign key works great, but I received an error when trying to add the 64th member.  I'm thinking there is a DB limit, however, I'm reading there is 253 limit on MSQL tables.  Not sure what. 

Hi Rich, 

Can you send in a 2nd level support request?  We can take a look for you.


Dave Edis - Senior Developer

Perfect.  This works and I can now support all parings.  Thank you.