IMAGES dropping

4 posts by 2 authors in: Forums > CMS Builder
Last Post: Friday at 3:36pm   (RSS)

Hi RichB.

We haven't heard of any issues with images dropping, no.  Can you recreate it, or does it seem random?  And do they ever re-appear later?

Can you check if the original files are still present on the server in the /uploads/ folder?  If you upload the same file twice, it will name the second one with a number on the end.

One thing I have seen is servers with very aggressive caching showing a previous version of the same CMS page, so you don't see your new uploads.

Let me know what you discover and how we can help.

Dave Edis - Senior Developer

Hi Dave.  It is very random.  In the WYSWYG the image is blank and not there.  However, when I hit insert, it shows the file (ie. /cmsb/uploads/millerlogo.jpg).  I then proceed to upload the same image and all works as normal. I did not actually see if the file is on the server (I'll do this next time).  I'll keep watch, just wanted to see if any issues have been reported.  Again, very random.



Hi Rich, 

If you keep having issues feel free to fill out a second-level support request, and we can take a look:

Dave Edis - Senior Developer