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Admin > Section Editors > Field Editor > Upload Field

Field Label
This is the text displayed beside the field in the CMS Section Editor.
Field Name
This is the name the database and program use to refer to the field.

In your content viewers, you will use some simple code like this <?php echo $record['fieldname']?> to display the field data. If you change an existing fieldname, don't forget to update the name in your viewers and Section Editor details as well.

Tip: There are some "special" fieldnames that provide additional functionality. (See Special Fieldnames)
Field Type
These are the different types of fields you can add to your menu. Some fields have different options than others. Note that the separator field type doesn't require a field label or field name to be entered.
Input Validation

This allows you to make specific requirements for what gets entered into the field. At the most basic, you can make the field required or unique, and for text fields you can enter a list of characters to allow or disallow.

This option requires the user to enter a value for the field. An error will be displayed if the field is left blank.
File Extensions Allowed
This is a comma separated list of file types (by extensions) that can be uploaded. If a user tries to upload a file with an extension that isn't in this list they will get an error message.
Maximum Uploads
This is the maximum number of uploads that is allowed for this field. An error will be displayed if the user tries to upload more than the limit. Removing previous uploads will allow more to be uploaded. Uncheck this option to allow unlimited uploads.
Maximum Upload Size
This is the maximum upload file size that is allowed. An error will be displayed if a user tries to upload a file that is larger than this amount. Uncheck this option to allow any size.
Resize images larger than
If enabled, and an image is uploaded that is larger than this size, it will automatically be resized.
Create image thumbnails
If enabled, a smaller thumbnail image will automatically be created for each image uploaded.
Advanced Options

System Field
System fields cannot be edited and have no modify or erase link unless "System Field Editing" is enabled (under Advanced Commands on the field list page). The purpose of this setting is to make it harded to accidentally or unknowingly change a program field that might otherwise break things.
Admin Only
Fields with this option set will only be visible and can only be modified by Admin users in the Section Editor.
Upload Fields
These allow you to add additional info for uploaded files. You can use them in your viewer with the code <?php echo $upload['info1'] ?> for things like image alt text, photo captions, and other purposes. (See Upload options for more info.)
Upload Directory
The default upload folder is in the program directory ([cmsAdmin]/uploads). This option allows you to specify a custom upload directory where uploads and thumbnails will be stored for this field.
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