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Admin > General Settings

General Settings

Program Name / Titlebar
The program name that is displayed in the browser titlebar and throughout the application.
Program Version
The currently installed program version number.
The program vendor name (can be set under Private Labeling)
License Fields
These fields indicate who owns the software and where it's installed. They're used when registering and displayed throughout the program.
MySQL Settings

MySQL Hostname
The hostname of your MySQL server. Often this is 'localhost'.
MySQL Database
The name of the MySQL database to store program data in.
MySQL Username
The username to login to the MySQL server with.
MySQL Password
The password to login to the MySQL server with.
MySQL Table Prefix
This is a prefix that is added to all program database tables. Having a unique prefix allows many programs to use one database without worrying about two programs making changes to the same tables.
Directories & URLs

Program Directory
This is the directory the program is currently installed in. The program uses this to help determine other directory paths.
Upload Directory
This is the directory where uploads are stored. Note: You can also specify custom upload directories on a per-field basis in the field editor.
Upload Folder Url
This is the website url to the upload directory. Note: You can also specify custom upload folder urls on a per-field basis in the field editor.
Help (?) Url
This is the url that the "Help" link in the top corner links to. If this is blank, the link will not appear in your program.
'View Website' Url
This is the url that the 'View Website >>' menu option links to. If this is blank, the link will not appear in your program.
Advanced Settings

Image Resizing Quality
The quality of jpegs created when resizing or thumbnailing images. Higher quality jpegs have larger file sizes.
Let you adjust some of the WYSIWYG options
Save full URL for local links and images (for viewers on other domains)
Image and links urls created in the WYSIWYG that don't start with http:// will have "http://currentDomain/" added to them.
Server Info

Web Server
The server's operating system, web server software, and PHP interface.
Database Server
The name, version, and hostname for the current MySQL database server.
PHP Version
The version of PHP installed on the server. Also links to 'phpinfo' with extended PHP details.
PHP Modules
The version of installed PHP modules used by CMS Builder. Currently lists the GD module only.
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