Admin > General Settings
- General Settings
- Program Name / Titlebar
- The program name that is displayed in the browser titlebar and throughout the application.
- Program Version
- The currently installed program version number.
- Vendor
- The program vendor name (can be set under Private Labeling)
- License Fields
- These fields indicate who owns the software and where it's installed. They're used when registering
and displayed throughout the program.
- MySQL Settings
- MySQL Hostname
- The hostname of your MySQL server. Often this is 'localhost'.
- MySQL Database
- The name of the MySQL database to store program data in.
- MySQL Username
- The username to login to the MySQL server with.
- MySQL Password
- The password to login to the MySQL server with.
- MySQL Table Prefix
- This is a prefix that is added to all program database tables. Having a unique prefix
allows many programs to use one database without worrying about two programs making changes to the same tables.
- Directories & URLs
- Program Directory
- This is the directory the program is currently installed in. The program uses this to help determine other directory paths.
- Upload Directory
- This is the directory where uploads are stored. Note: You can also specify custom upload directories
on a per-field basis in the field editor.
- Upload Folder Url
- This is the website url to the upload directory. Note: You can also specify custom upload folder urls
on a per-field basis in the field editor.
- Help (?) Url
- This is the url that the "Help" link in the top corner links to. If this is blank, the link will not appear in your program.
- 'View Website' Url
- This is the url that the 'View Website >>' menu option links to. If this is blank, the link will not appear in your program.
- Advanced Settings
- Image Resizing Quality
- The quality of jpegs created when resizing or thumbnailing images. Higher quality jpegs have larger file sizes.
- WYSIWYG Options
- Let you adjust some of the WYSIWYG options
- Save full URL for local links and images (for viewers on other domains)
- Image and links urls created in the WYSIWYG that don't start with http:// will have "http://currentDomain/"
added to them.
- Server Info
- Web Server
- The server's operating system, web server software, and PHP interface.
- Database Server
- The name, version, and hostname for the current MySQL database server.
- PHP Version
- The version of PHP installed on the server. Also links to 'phpinfo' with extended PHP details.
- PHP Modules
- The version of installed PHP modules used by CMS Builder. Currently lists the GD module only.