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How to Upgrade

Generally, upgrading is a simple matter of uploading all the files that have been updated from the previous version.

NOTE: We use the following directory name of /cmsb/ in the instructions below, but if the software is installed with another name just use that name in place of "cmsb" below.

Follow these steps to upgrade:

  1. Get the latest CMS version and check your server meets the system requirements listed in the installation instructions.
  2. Create a database backup by clicking "Backup" under: Admin > General Settings > Database Backup.
    • This will create a backup file with a snapshot of your MySQL data in /cmsb/data/backups/
    • Tip: If you have an older CMS or an extra large database use phpMyAdmin or another program to backup the database.
  3. Download /cmsb/ folder contents, as well as any uploads if you've changed the uploads folder path, to a backup folder on your computer. Don't modify or change your backup files
  4. Unzip the CMS program archive and upload the /cmsb/ folder and all files under it.
    • Note: Only original program files will be overwritten, any data files you've created will have their own unique filenames and will not be replaced.
  5. Run the program.
    • Note: The program will automatically check for file and directory permissions and alert you if any changes are required. Additionally, if you are upgrading from an older version, your browser may refresh itself several times while the upgrade process completes.
And you're done!

Upgrading from version 2.xx to 3.xx notes

There have been several code changes since v2.xx that require updates. Errors will generally be logged in the "Developer Log" menu in the Admin section of the CMS.

  • Some plugins will need to be updated to work with CMS Builder 3.xx. You can download that latest plugins here:
  • For custom code errors, see the instructions and tips below as well as additional details in the how to upgrade from v2.txt file included in the CMS Builder zip file.
  • For additional questions, please post in the forum.

Advanced Tips

    Troubleshooting "Internal Server Error" Issues (Updated: Oct 2015)

    The CMS comes with some default server config files in the /cmsb/ folder named .htaccess, .user.ini, and php.ini. These config files attempt to reset PHP and Apache settings to standard values and turn off deprecated or problematic features that would otherwise cause errors or problems.

    These files aren't supported on all servers, but on many they will prevent problems. However, they are OPTIONAL and you can safely remove these files if needed.

    If you are getting errors on install try each of the following steps until the errors stop occuring:

    1. Disable /cmsb/php.ini by renaming it to php.ini.disabled
    2. Disable /cmsb/.htaccess by renaming it to .htaccess.disabled
    3. Disable /cmsb/.users.ini by renaming it to .user.ini.disabled
    4. Contact support or post in the forum.
    Manual MySQL backups and restores
    If you have an older CMS or an extra large database use phpMyAdmin, mysqldump, or another program to backup and restore your database. Contact your web host or server administrator for more details.
    Upgrading sites with custom changes
    We don't recommend modifying the CMS program files because any changes you make will be overwritten when you upgrade. In most cases you can modify the behaviour of the program by creating plugins. If you must make custom changes to program files, create a file under /cmsb/ called _CUSTOM_CHANGES_.txt with a log of your changes. In future, this will help remind you and other developers that there have been custom changes made and it will make it easier to re-create those changes after upgrading.
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