New Purchase - Upload image problem

6 posts by 3 authors in: Forums > CMS Builder
Last Post: July 29, 2008   (RSS)

I have just ordered and installed CMSB and can see it looks very good, I am not going to bombard you with immediate questions as I know that I need to read the manual etc. However I won't be able to sleep tonight without posting this query -

When I try to upload an image using the 'insert image' function of the html editor, I get an error message of - File '4481.jpg' isn't allowed (valid file extensions: ).

The same thing occurs if I try to upload a gif file. If I ftp the image and then hand type the url all is fine. Do I need to configure the html editor somehow?

Good night from the UK,

Re: [Michael Blake] New Purchase - Upload image problem

By Donna - July 28, 2008

Hi Mickey!

You can set what extensions are allowed by going into the Section Editor, and modifying the section you're working on... then modify the field you're using to upload files with.

In the "Input Validation" section, you can add in whatever file extensions you'd like. By default, you should have gif,jpg,png,wmv,mov,swf.

I hope this helps. :)


Re: [Donna] New Purchase - Upload image problem

Thanks Donna,
I checked that option and have file types gif, jpg, png as allowed so am unsure why the editor wouldn't allow me to upload them. The web folder is okay and I can ftp no problem but I'll need to take a look at it again tomorrow as it will be much easier to use the tinyMCE upload facitlity.

Thx for your help, I WILL read the help files tomorrow!

Re: [Dave] New Purchase - Upload image problem

Thanks Dave,
I'll be spending some time with the documentation tonight, the problem looks to be a TinyMCE problem as the uploads work fine for attachments via CMSB and ftp, just the upload image function in Tiny that seems not to like the .jpg and .gif files.

Best Wishes from a wet England (what's new there!)

Re: [Michael Blake] New Purchase - Upload image problem

By Dave - July 29, 2008

Ok, let us know if the problem persists and we'll be happy to help out with it.
Dave Edis - Senior Developer