Problem adding links with wysiwyg..

12 posts by 5 authors in: Forums > CMS Builder
Last Post: April 26, 2012   (RSS)

By mateo - March 8, 2008

Every time I add a link using the anchor button in the wysiwyg editor, it saves the url I enter with "admin/" in front of my url. Even if I switch to html view and change the hard code, when I switch back to wysiwyg mode it's back to admin/MyUrl..

How do I fix this?

Re: [mateo] Problem adding links with wysiwyg..

By Dave - March 10, 2008

You can enter absolute links that start with / or http://

We're also adding a fix to v1.11 that will auto-convert links like "page.html" to be "/page.html"

If you want to make that chance now there is instructions in the first half of this post:

Hope that helps, let me know if there are any other problems or concerns with that.
Dave Edis - Senior Developer

Re: [Dave] Problem adding links with wysiwyg..

I think this change may have adversely effected what I'm trying to do.

I have my site in a developing area, so absolute links will not work once the site is live.

How can I work around this?

Re: [Capt'n Morgan] Problem adding links with wysiwyg..

Can somebody help with. It's a real hassle.

I'm trying to drop in some HTML that has relative links to images, and it goes and makes them absolute.

It's going to be counter productive for me to put in absolute links now and then change them once I have the real domain name.

Re: [Capt'n Morgan] Problem adding links with wysiwyg..

By Dave - September 25, 2008

Hi Capt'n,

The problem with relative links is they won't work in all places. The CMS itself is going to be in a different subdirectory or subdirectory depth than other pages on your site. So if you images won't show up in both the CMS and website pages with relative urls.

Can you link from the root like this (without the domain):

Or is the problem that you're developing in a subdirectory in your local staging environment?

Another solution may be to do some search and replaces once you move the site live. Do you have phpMyAdmin or anything like that available?

Hope that helps. Let me know some more details about your setup and I'll try and help.
Dave Edis - Senior Developer

Re: [Dave] Problem adding links with wysiwyg..

Thanks for the reply, Dave.

I'm hosting on cpanel, so my temporary working environment is for example.

So if I use /images in my code, it goes to the root of to look for the image.

Re: [Dave] Problem adding links with wysiwyg..

Do you expect any work arounds for this in future versions?

I found the issue to surface again when I tried to speed up building of content by laying out 40 images in Dreamweaver in a table, and pasting that code into the HTML box of CMSB. It made those links absolute.

A S&R does fix it, but it is bit of a hassle.

Re: [Capt'n Morgan] Problem adding links with wysiwyg..

By Dave - September 29, 2008

We might make a search and replace module or add-on in the future.

I'm not sure how we'd fix it in future without that, though. I think it's actually possible to turn off that "feature" of the wysiwyg that makes links absolute, but they you get other problems such as the images not showing up in the wysiwyg itself because the relative path from the wysiwyg and from the website pages to the images are different.

The closer you can mimic the live site the better, so if you host allows you easily setup subdomains for clients that's ideal - eg:
Dave Edis - Senior Developer

Re: [Dave] Problem adding links with wysiwyg..

By gversion - April 26, 2012


My WYSIWYG editor in cmsBuilder is auto converting absolute links to relative links.

Is there a way to stop it from doing this? I would like to maintain the absolute links.

Thank you,