Re: [randyprod] Upcoming Beta: New "Editor Advanced Search" feature

13 posts by 4 authors in: Forums > CMS Builder
Last Post: October 26, 2009   (RSS)

By (Deleted User) - October 16, 2009

once upgraded does the opening admin page supposed to now say the new system version? Mine still says 1.27.

By (Deleted User) - October 19, 2009

HI Again Donna,

Not sure if you got his just wanted to know am I supposed to see the newest version on admin page listed once I have upgraded. Mine still says 1.27 (Welcome to Instant Realty Website v1.27), and I want to make sure it upgraded as I am still having problems getting multiple keyword searches in editor listings page.

By Donna - October 19, 2009

Hi there,

Nope, that should definitely update. Make sure you've uploaded the entire cmsAdmin directory (after making a backup) and if prompted, that you choose "Overwrite" for any files that are already there. Sounds like not all of the files made it up, so give the upgrade process one more try. :)



By (Deleted User) - October 19, 2009

Hi Donna,

I re- upgraded and it too this time- thanks. One question I have now is how do I get the settings I had customed for the admin>section editors> listings- general field labels, types and names etc.

Re: [randyprod] Upgrade

By Donna - October 20, 2009

None of the section editors should have been modified at all, as those aren't saved in any of the files that you would have uploaded. Did you delete any files when you did your upgrade?


Re: [Donna] Upgrade

By (Deleted User) - October 20, 2009

Thanks for getting back to me Donna,

Not that I know of.

I think I may have narrowed it down the problem, the database is working but the filled fields i customed aren't:

In the admin>section Editors>Listings>general page the Field Labels I created show on all the corresponding links (listings, listings details etc. The data that would be in the Field names that I created doesn't come off the database and fill in the forms. The only data that fills in is from the the original; field labels and field names the software came with.


In the admin listings all fill-in and drop down values are correct from old system. Everything worked before upgrade from 1.27-1.31 Is there a file I can upload again to correct this?

Re: [randyprod] Upgrade

By Chris - October 21, 2009

Hi Randy,

Please fill out a second-level support request here:

Please mention the URL for this thread in your ticket so we'll have some background.

We'll take a look and see if we can figure out what went wrong.
All the best,

Re: [chris] Upgrade

By (Deleted User) - October 21, 2009

Thanks Chris and Donna. I filled a second level support yesterday after personally speaking to Ross in the am. When I didn't hear from anyone this afternoon I called and spoke to Ross today who said he will bring my 2nd level up in the quell. So I think he may be working on it as we speak? I don't want to tie too many techies up. I just am desperate to get this figured out ASAP as my business is totally paralyzed until we can fix this.

Ticket ID: UUU-622983
Subject: Support Request (itoolsForm)
Department: Support

Should I still file 2nd level support again?

Re: [randyprod] Upgrade

By Donna - October 22, 2009

Hi Randy,

Sorry for the delay. I wasn't in the office yesterday, so a few other people were scrambling to make sure everything got done. :) We've definitely got your ticket, and it's being worked on. No need to fill out a second ticket. :)
