Problem with images displaying

6 posts by 3 authors in: Forums > CMS Builder
Last Post: September 9, 2011   (RSS)

I'm trying to edit a page that has 3 different upload arrays to display different product categories: "good, better, and best."

I modified the Section Editor page so that each upload uses a separate directory within the uploads/ directory (named "3star", "4star", and "5star".

The problem is that while I can see the image thumbnails just fine from the Edit screen, the output on the actual published page doesn't show the full URL path to the image folder, just the filename.

Here's the code I'm using to display the thumbnail (which uses fancyzoom to display a larger version when clicked):

<a href="<?php echo $image['urlPath'];?>" title="<?php echo $image['info3'];?>" class="fancybox" onclick="btnClick();"><!-- link to full-size image -->
<img src="<?php echo $image['thumbUrlPath'];?>" width="<?php echo $image['thumbWidth'];?>" alt="<?php echo $image['info3'];?>" />

The code that gets output on the page is:

<a class="fancybox" onclick="btnClick();" title="" href="Dekor-33400.jpg">
<img width="100" alt="" src="thumb/Dekor-33400.jpg">

In the Section Editor, both the Directory Path and Folder URL are set to "3star/" and the Upload Folder URL under General Settings is set to "/uploads/".

I can upload images just fine, and the thumbnails show up correctly in the page editor, but they just won't publish when the code outputs.

Is this a software bug, or am I just doing something wrong?
Thanks in advance,

Re: [danwilson] Problem with images displaying

By the way, I recently upgraded to 2.12

Re: [danwilson] Problem with images displaying

By ross - September 5, 2011

Hi there.

Thanks for posting! In the latest versions of CMS Builder, the paths for your images are stored relative now instead of with full URL and full file paths.

My first thought here is that you might not have the uploads directory set properly in the General Settings. Could you take a look and double check that for me?

Ross Fairbairn - Consulting

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Re: [ross] Problem with images displaying

Hi Ross,
I double-checked the paths today, and can see the image thumbnails just fine in the upload section, but when they get output to the page, it's as if the upload path structure is ignored completely - no matter what I've done, all that gets output is the filename, but not the folder structure.

This is a page that I had consulting help put together (thanks again, Jason!), and the rules that decide which images get displayed are fairly complex, so I'm afraid to dive in and mess anything up.

Just a thought - could the code that determines which images get displayed be stripping the directory path out the image urlPath?

Re: [Jason] Problem with images displaying

Thanks, Jason!
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