Search Plug In

4 posts by 3 authors in: Forums > CMS Builder
Last Post: May 22, 2012   (RSS)

Re: [newmediachoice] Search Plug In

By Jason - May 18, 2012


This can certainly be done with CMS Builder. We have set up a lot of different advanced search solutions for clients in the past. There isn't any plugin for creating something like this. The best solution is usually doing some custom programming to create this type of form. It could be created to have as many different search fields as you would need. Then, we would add some code to the "search results" page, to use these values in your query.

If you would like to explore this further, please send an email to and we can go over some options.

Jason Sauchuk - Project Manager

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Re: [Jason] Search Plug In

Hi Jason

I sent details through to your consulting email on Friday, but I haven't had any response.

Re: [newmediachoice] Search Plug In

By Damon - May 22, 2012


Sorry for the delay.

Jason is out of the office until Thursday and Monday was a holiday for us in Canada (Victoria Day).

I will ask Jason to reply to your email as soon as he gets back in on Thursday.
Damon Edis -

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