Search Plug In

4 posts by 3 authors in: Forums > CMS Builder
Last Post: May 22, 2012   (RSS)


I am building an online directory of professionals and services. The user will need to be able to search for a professional or service, but I don't want to use a generic search box as I have before. The user will need to be guided through the search process rather than leaving it too open ended through generic keyword search. What I'm looking to do is something similar to, but probably not with so many search criteria. Functionality needs to be similar though.

I've been researching online and I've seen a few PHP plug-ins, but wondered if there are any you know of that would work well with CMS Builder? I've had a look through your plug in section, but don't see anything there.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. I really want to use CMS Builder for this project :).

Many thanks in advance.

Re: [Jason] Search Plug In

Hi Jason

I sent details through to your consulting email on Friday, but I haven't had any response.

Re: [newmediachoice] Search Plug In

By Damon - May 22, 2012


Sorry for the delay.

Jason is out of the office until Thursday and Monday was a holiday for us in Canada (Victoria Day).

I will ask Jason to reply to your email as soon as he gets back in on Thursday.
Damon Edis -

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