Newsletter Builder v1.01 Released!

By Dave - September 1, 2012 - edited: September 4, 2012

Hello All,

We've released a 1.01 update the Newsletter Builder to address some the feedback and bug reports in the last few days.

If you're new to Newletter Builer, it's simple and easy to use newsletter software that lets your clients create and send newsletters. You can read more about it and check it out here:

If you've already purchased, you can download the upgraded plugin for free here:

Note: You also need CMS Builder 2.17 which we just release September 1st, get that here:

Technical Background: We had actually made some changes in CMSB 2.16 to make the emails generated by the CMS more "standards compliant" but it turned out the "widely used" was a much safer rule to follow. Much like how we need to designing and coding around browser quirks we needed to do the same and code around some quirks with email servers and readers. (and PHP itself).

If anyone has any further issues to report with email readers or email servers please feel free to contact me directly at and I'll be happy to help you out. Cheers!

PS: As part of testing we used a service called to generate emails on 35 different email clients to ensure everything worked correctly. Check out the attached screenshot.
Dave Edis - Senior Developer

litmus-email-previews.png 425K

Re: [Dave] Newsletter Builder v1.01 Released!

By Dave - September 1, 2012

And here's the changelog for Newsletter Builder 1.01:

*NOTE* This upgrade requires v2.17 of the CMS, be sure to upgrade the CMS before you upgrade the plugin!

New Features
- Background Mailer: If no messages are pending then no output is returned on command-line to prevent needless cronjob emails

Bug Fixes & Code Changes
- Background Mailer: Added new BACKGROUND_SEND_WEB_MAX option to allow a different limit for the web interface
- Background Mailer: Fixed issues where "You must be logged in as Admin" would be displayed if membership plugin wasn't in use
- Background Mailer: Fixed cronjob warnings: "Undefined index: SCRIPT_NAME" and "Undefined index: HTTP_HOST"
- Fixed issue were message encoding caused some email readers to display HTML sourcecode instead of proper message
- Fixed issue were it wasn't possible to save test emails if they had extra whitespace around them.
Dave Edis - Senior Developer

Re: [Dave] Newsletter Builder v1.01 Released!

Dave: I have a suggestion for future features:

The ability to create and manage more than one newsletter per site. Basically, the owner should be able to create unlimited newsletter templates, and when s/he creates a newsletter, choose which template to use.

This also implies that users would be able to choose which newsletter to subscribe to (multiple).

I think this would be a great future capability.

Northern Penguin Technologies

"Any sufficiently advanced technology
is indistinguishable from magic."
........Arthur C. Clarke

Re: [Dave] Newsletter Builder v1.01 Released!

I think something lik this:

1. When a template is created, it has 2 states, active and inactive;
2. If active, it displays on the subscribe page where the subscribed checks off the newsletters he wants to subscribe to;
3. The list of active newsletters would display on the manage.php page.
4. User accounts would track which newsletters individual users subscribe to.
Northern Penguin Technologies

"Any sufficiently advanced technology
is indistinguishable from magic."
........Arthur C. Clarke

Re: [northernpenguin] Newsletter Builder v1.01 Released!

By Dave - September 3, 2012

Thanks Ragi, I've added your features to our request features document.

We have a few new features already in the works including open-tracking and basic reporting, so we'll review after this next round of development and decide on the next priorities.

Dave Edis - Senior Developer