NewsletterBuilder v1.01 - Small Bugs

By northernpenguin - September 3, 2012 - edited: September 3, 2012

I found a couple of bugs in v1.01.

First, the plugin is still registered as v1.00. Not a major issue, but I thought I had uploaded the wrong version and uploaded it a second time. I hadn't made any errors.

Second, I believe this may be an issue with tinyMCE. For some reason, I cannot insert a line between paragraphs. It have tried inserting <br /> and <p></p> , but it still does not produce a blank line between paragraphs.

I also created a test page with a wysiwyg field in CMSB, entered a couple of paragraphs, inserted <p> </p> and everything worked fine, there was a blank line generated between the paragraphs.

This is a bit weird, as I would have thought you were using the identical tinyMCE version for both!

Any ideas??


Update: The emailed newsletter renders fine with the line spaces on my iPad & iPhone, but not my Rogers Yahoo email (I am using FF on a Mac).
Northern Penguin Technologies

"Any sufficiently advanced technology
is indistinguishable from magic."
........Arthur C. Clarke

Re: [Dave] NewsletterBuilder v1.01 - Small Bugs

Dave: This is a bit confusing. Gmail works fine, Rogers Yahoo doesn't, OpenSRS Webmail 5.5 doesn't. I don't have a Hotmail account, so I can't try it there.

Northern Penguin Technologies

"Any sufficiently advanced technology
is indistinguishable from magic."
........Arthur C. Clarke

Re: [northernpenguin] NewsletterBuilder v1.01 - Small Bugs

By Dave - September 4, 2012

Hi Ragi,

And to confirm, is the issue that you can't insert extra line-breaks in the wysiwyg, or that they don't show up in rogers yahoo mail, or both?

Are the messages showing up except for the linebreaks?
Dave Edis - Senior Developer