Code Generator empty

5 posts by 2 authors in: Forums > CMS Builder
Last Post: October 12, 2012   (RSS)

I changed servers and updated CMS builder at the same time. I'm able to get everything working after some tinkering except for one section. When using the code generator for this section I get a blank screen. Any suggestions?

Re: [mshetler] Code Generator empty


Was the upgrade to version 2.17? I think the best option might be to try doing a re-install of CMS Builder on your new server and seeing if that fixes the issue.

If this doesn't fix it, you can send us a support request here:

and select 2nd level support as the priority. Then we can have a look into the issue for you.

Greg Thomas

PHP Programmer -

Re: [greg] Code Generator empty

Is it possible to do a reinstall without losing data?

Re: [greg] Code Generator empty

Greg - I reinstalled but still have the same issue. A 2nd level support ticket has been created.