Suggestions for an Attendance Tracking application?

23 posts by 4 authors in: Forums > CMS Builder
Last Post: May 29, 2013   (RSS)

By gkornbluth - April 26, 2013 - edited: April 26, 2013

Hi All,

I’m looking for opinions/suggestions before I start, so I can avoid re-inventing the wheel (or needlessly spinning it).

If anyone has done something similar before and would be willing to share, that would be really great.

I’ve been volunteering for an arts organization that runs a few monthly lecture series. They’d like to be able to generate reports of who attended each lecture and/or lecture series for email campaigns.

At each lecture, attendees have to sign in (on a passed around paper sign in sheet) and pay a small fee (on the honor system).  The organization is not ready to automate the process and enter the data directly on a tablet at the lecture, but are willing to consider that if attendance picks up enough so that they can justify assigning a person to manage the process.

For the present, for each attendee, (their first name, last name, email address, if new) and the Month/Year and Lecture series ID would have to be entered into CMSB after the fact.

For the reports, I was thinking of using strpos to search for the existence of year/month and series in an "attendance" text field in each record, but I’m certainly open to other (hopefully more sophisticated) approaches.

Here’s the basic scenario as I see it, but again, I’m open to other ideas. BTW, I’m using the website membership plugin on this site.

1) Using a front end form, the data entry person enters all or part of the last name of the attendee and activates a search button.

2) The database is searched for any existing record with matching last names, and shows a list of records that match.

3) If there are matches, the data entry person chooses the correct record (check box?), and from pull down lists, chooses the **month/year/lecture series to be appended to an “attended” text field in that record, then updates the record.

**Month/year values would be chosen from a pull down or radio button list that showed only the current month/year and the 3 preceding months/year (don’t have any idea how to do this). Lecture series values would come from list values populated from separate database.
4) If there is no matching record, the data entry person is prompted to create a new record with first name, last name, email, and month/year/lecture series attended.

Thanks for your help,

Jerry Kornbluth

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Hi Jerry,

This all looks good. My only suggested change would be at point 3, instead of using a text field I would use a multi value list field that gets options from the attendees section to store who attended a lecture in the lecture section. This way you will be able to easily manage the  records in CMS Builder. 

Let me know if you have any questions.



Greg Thomas

PHP Programmer -

Hi Greg,

I'm sure that you're right, but I'm not sure exactly what you have in mind.

Could you elaborate a bit more?

Jerry Kornbluth

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Hi Jerry

You could also reverse the methodology:  Enter the date of the event, then enter all attendees first & last names.  The resultant check against the database would list the returning attendees with a checkbox (filled in) against their names confirming the event.  New attendees would end up with a "create new user" checkbox and you could create one at a time.

Just a thought...



Northern Penguin Technologies

"Any sufficiently advanced technology
is indistinguishable from magic."
........Arthur C. Clarke

Interesting idea.


I'll have to think on that

Jerry Kornbluth

The first CMS Builder reference book is now available on-line!

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By Dave - May 2, 2013

Hi Jerry,

1) Since the lecture series list is dynamic, how can I add fields to the participant editor dynamically when a lecture series title is added to the “Class Title” editor.

Is the "lecture series list" a pulldown?  If so you can have a separate table of lecture titles and have it load from there (I think I'm probably not understanding correctly, though).

2) How can I choose which “lecture series attended” text field to append the current year and month to, from the front (or back) end, so the code in the form doesn’t need to manually be changed.

It's difficult to visualize your setup, but if you had tables for: lectures, attendees, and attendance_log you could add records to "attendance_log" with the attendee num and lecture num and represent it in the backend with related records fields.

3) How can I append data to the end of a text field.

In MySQL UPDATE statements you can say yourfield = yourfield + 'new value' or just load the old value and set it at the same time such as: yourfield = mysql_escapef($_REQUEST['old_value'] . $_REQUEST['new_value']);

Usually how I start with something like this is by creating different sections in the CMS backend and moving them around until I'm happy with the layout of the backend, so that if someone needed to they could just use that.  Then I create the front-end to submit data to the backend.  

Hope that helps!

Dave Edis - Senior Developer

By gkornbluth - May 4, 2013

Thanks Dave,

I've got a better idea how to proceed now. I think the easiest approach for the lecturer might be to have a separate sign in form for each lecture series and use current date to generate the date information.

Still a few details to work out, but the related records and possibly the show/hide dependent fields plugins and the  MySQL UPDATE statement will be very helpful.

I'll post my solution here for others to use and comment.

Jerry Kornbluth

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By gkornbluth - May 9, 2013

Hi Dave, Greg, et al,

I’m almost ready to post the solution to this but I still have 2 issues that I can’t seem to get my head around.

1) (line 37, 59, 80 of the attached file)

I have a text field in the sign in record called salon_name (the lecture series name) that can have any of 4 values. These values are eventually used in sorting email lists.

Blank (used for those who have shown an interest but have never attended a lecture)
AWC (used for those who have only attended an AWC lecture)
MMM (used for those who have only attended an MMM lecture)
AWC/MMM (used for those who have attended both an AWC and an MMM lecture)

When someone signs in at say, an MMM lecture (that’s the attached sign in form) and I update an existing record (the email address matches the submitted email address or their Attendee ID Number matches their record number ) I need to be able to check the existing value of the salon_name field, and:

A) If the value is blank insert the value MMM in the field
B) If the value is MMM do nothing
C) If the value is AWC append /MMM to the end of the value (so it becomes AW C/MMM) or replace the value AWC with AWC/MMM (whichever is easier)

2) (line 86 & 93 of the attached file)

If an attendee knows their attendee ID number (record number) because they’ve attended a lecture before, they can just enter that number in a form field and then submit the form for an express sign in.

The “on success” message should include the attendee’s first_name so that they know they’ve actually signed in, but I can’t seem to get a handle on how to do that either.

Thanks for your help...

Jerry Kornbluth

The first CMS Builder reference book is now available on-line!

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salon-sign-in-mmm.php 9K

By gregThomas - May 13, 2013

Hi Jerry,

I've attached an updated version of salon-sign-in-mmm.php. This is the main update I've added to it:

    $loggedInUser = mysql_get('attendance_test', $_REQUEST['attendee_number']);
    $salon_name = @$loggedInUser['salon_name'];
      $salon_name = 'MMM';
    }elseif($salon_name == 'AWC' ){
      $salon_name = 'AWC/MMM';

Also on lines 37, 59 and 80 I've added the amended the MySQL statement to look like this:

salon_name       = '$salon_name',

This is code is untested, so you might have to make a few changes to get it working. 

So the mysql_get function (highlighted in blue) retrieves the users data if they have got past the error validation stage. Then the code sets the value of salon_name for the user to the salon_name variable.

Then an if statement checks if any value has already been set to $salon_name, if it hasn't it changes to MMM. If the current value is AWC, it sets a value of AWC/MMM to $salon_name. Finally if MMM or AWC/MMM has already been set to the value it does nothing.

The $salon_name variable is used to set the salon_name variable in the MySQL statement.

Let me know if you have any questions.



Greg Thomas

PHP Programmer -