CMS Installation - MBSTRING error

3 posts by 3 authors in: Forums > CMS Builder
Last Post: June 5, 2013   (RSS)

By mediaco - June 4, 2013

I have a new site that will be powered by CMSB.

Whilst installing I got the error about MBSTRING and safe_mode.

The customer contacted the ISP to have them make the necessary changes but they said they will not do this as the site is on a shared server.

We offered to host the site elsewhere but the customer is refusing so we have reached an impasse.

In order to get the CMSB installed I attempted to modify the /lib/init.php myself. I have commented out the following lines:

250 if (!extension_loaded('mbstring')) { $missingExtensions .= "This program requires the PHP 'mbstring' extension.<br/>\n"; }

266 $inSafeMode = ini_get('safe_mode') && strtolower(ini_get('safe_mode')) != 'off';

267 if ($inSafeMode) { $errors .= "Please disable the 'safe_mode' setting in php.ini. (safe_mode has been removed from the latest PHP versions and it's use is <b>highly discouraged</b> by the authors of PHP - <a href=''>read more</a>)<br/>\n"; }

The CMSB is now installed and operational, but i'm worried that making these edits will effect the CMSB.

Can you please advise as this is now a matter of urgency.


By Dave - June 5, 2013

Hi Ross, 

I'll just add to that including mbstring and disabling safe_mode are very common these days.  The PHP developers have actually even removed safe_mode as of PHP5.4+

The software isn't designed or tested to run on an old, non-standard server as you've described, so there may be odd errors and issues that may end up costing more development time to resolve.

That said, the easiest way to convince your client to switch or upgrade might be to just advise them of that, wait for a problem, and then when that happens ask them if they want to pay you to try and work around it or get better hosting.  And another option might be to ask the host if they have a different plan with the required features.  I can't imagine that they wouldn't.

Hope that helps!

Dave Edis - Senior Developer