500 Internal Server Error on Permalink Pags

Problem Solved

By BobHurst - August 15, 2013

I used the following post found elsewhere...

We are currently looking into a fix for this problem, this issue is on line 12 of the permalinks_dispatcher.php file, which you can see here:

$REDIRECT_URL = coalesce(@$_SERVER['REDIRECT_URL'], @$_SERVER['SCRIPT_URL'], array_first(explode('?',$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'])));

which needs changing to this:

$REDIRECT_URL = coalesce(@$_SERVER['SCRIPT_URL'], array_first(explode('?',$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'])), @$_SERVER['REDIRECT_URL']);

This is because on some servers the variable $_SERVER['REDIRECT_URL'] doesn't contain the URL  that the page was redirected to, but the path to the current file. So permalinks_dispatcher file ends up looking for the incorrect file path in its database.

This issue should be resolved in the next release.

Let me know if you have any questions. 



Problem Solved


Thanks for reporting the issue. We're currently looking into changing this line in the permalinks plugin as quite a few people are experiencing this issue. 



Greg Thomas

PHP Programmer - interactivetools.com