500 Internal Server Error on Permalink Pags

By BobHurst - August 15, 2013


A recent issued popped up in that ALL pages linked by a Permalink are resulting in an 500 Internal Server Error.  

Any assistance would be appreciated.


Problem Solved

By BobHurst - August 15, 2013

I used the following post found elsewhere...

We are currently looking into a fix for this problem, this issue is on line 12 of the permalinks_dispatcher.php file, which you can see here:

$REDIRECT_URL = coalesce(@$_SERVER['REDIRECT_URL'], @$_SERVER['SCRIPT_URL'], array_first(explode('?',$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'])));

which needs changing to this:

$REDIRECT_URL = coalesce(@$_SERVER['SCRIPT_URL'], array_first(explode('?',$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'])), @$_SERVER['REDIRECT_URL']);

This is because on some servers the variable $_SERVER['REDIRECT_URL'] doesn't contain the URL  that the page was redirected to, but the path to the current file. So permalinks_dispatcher file ends up looking for the incorrect file path in its database.

This issue should be resolved in the next release.

Let me know if you have any questions. 

