General settings: "Unknown menu 'admin'"

5 posts by 2 authors in: Forums > CMS Builder
Last Post: September 23, 2014   (RSS)

On a just-installed copy of the cms, I am getting the following error when I attempt to access either the General Settings, or Plugins.

Unknown menu 'admin'


Did a complete reinstall but still no luck. Anyone have any thoughts on why this might be happening?

File permissions seem correct.

tried re-uploading /lib and doing an entire reinstall

support request has been submitted.

By Damon - September 23, 2014


All fixed.

I deleted then re uploaded the /lib/ folder but that didn't solve it.

When I clicked on the "CMS Builder" logo it completed the upgrade and the admin menu error message is gone. You can now login and go to Admin > General Settings without any issue.

Clicking the CMS Builder link (top left) or the "Section Editors" link caused the program to check that all the tables exist and to recreate them if they don't.

I have replied to you via email as well. If you have any other issues, just let us know.


Damon Edis -

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