Save and Copy button issues with 2.6.3

By Damon - September 24, 2014


I was able to recreate the issue with an earlier version of the the Save and Copy plugin but removed that plugin and uploaded/activated 1.05 and now no issues.

Can you confirm that you have deactivated and deleted the 1.02 version of the Save and Copy plugin?

Damon Edis -

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Yes, I can confirm that I have done so. The problem persists.

I did find that I can press "Save and Copy", get the "Saved" message, and THEN, if I press just the "Save" button then I do get a duplicate record. But that's not how the plug-in is intended to work.

One of the issues here is that we don't have a "title" field in this editor so we don't see a "Copy of...." placeholder created. That adds to the issue. However, there is no duplicate created unless we first press BOTH the "Save and Copy" and the "Save" buttons.

Just by way of an update, I've tried completely deactivating, uninstalling and removing all evidence of the plugin from the servers. Then left it overnight and uploaded v.1.0.5 and activated it. Then flushed the cache.

The problem continues.

Just by way of an update, I've tried completely deactivating, uninstalling and removing all evidence of the plugin from the servers. Then left it overnight and uploaded v.1.0.5 and activated it. Then flushed the cache.

The problem continues.

By Damon - September 30, 2014


Thanks for further testing. I will get one someone on the team here to review and make the updates to the plugin so it works as expected with the current version of CMS Builder.

When it is tested and ready, I will email it too you directly so you can test it too.


Damon Edis -

Hire me! Save time by getting our experts to help with your project.

Much appreciated, Damon. Looking forward to it.

