CMSBuilding Backup Plugin - Database Connection Issue

Hi there,

For the last several days, one of our installs that runs the backup plugin via a cron job each minute is sending me this error:

Error connecting to MySQL: Lost connection to MySQL server at 'waiting for initial communication packet', system error: 95

The timing is a bit variable, but it's always been in the evenings so far.

Any thoughts or ideas on solving this?



Hi Dave,

I'd found similar reports. The site already was using Pingdom's services and doesn't report any outages which match these errors. I suspect that the plug-in just doesn't do any error checking and has a simple fail/success model. So long as the missed connections don't interfere with the subsequent hours backup then there's probably no great concern.


By Dave - April 30, 2015

Yea, I wouldn't think there's a great concern, but might be worth keeping an eye on.

You might want to check what the max MySQL connections shown are under: Admin > General > "Max Connections" (at the bottom)


Dave Edis - Senior Developer