CMSBuilding Backup Plugin - Database Connection Issue

Hi there,

For the last several days, one of our installs that runs the backup plugin via a cron job each minute is sending me this error:

Error connecting to MySQL: Lost connection to MySQL server at 'waiting for initial communication packet', system error: 95

The timing is a bit variable, but it's always been in the evenings so far.

Any thoughts or ideas on solving this?



By Dave - April 27, 2015

Hi Jayme, 

I wonder if the website is experiencing slow periods or running it's own maintenance that has mysql be temporarily unavailable?
You could setup a free website uptime/response-time tracking account to monitor that here:

I also see a lot of google results for that error.  It may also be related to max connections.  See:

What are the max MySQL connections shown under: Admin > General > "Max Connections" (at the bottom).


Dave Edis - Senior Developer

Hi Dave,

I'd found similar reports. The site already was using Pingdom's services and doesn't report any outages which match these errors. I suspect that the plug-in just doesn't do any error checking and has a simple fail/success model. So long as the missed connections don't interfere with the subsequent hours backup then there's probably no great concern.
