Send newsletters and confirmation mail in plain text

By hiroko - September 4, 2015


I'd like to know if there is a way to send newsletters and confirmation mail in plain text.

Some subscribers have difficulty clicking the confirmation link to complete subscription on their mobile phones.

I thought that it might be because it is sent by html format.

Can I just change the wysiwyg to text box?

Thank you,


By gregThomas - September 9, 2015 - edited: September 9, 2015

Hi hiroko,

Unfortunately there isn't a way you can send messages in plain text, they have to be sent in HTML with the newsletter builder plugin. 

You can change the subscription email that gets to the user in the newsletter builder settings. Perhaps you could replace the link text with a image or style the link to make it larger, as this would be easier to press on a mobile device. 



Greg Thomas

PHP Programmer -