Combined listing pages into one page in date order

12 posts by 3 authors in: Forums > CMS Builder
Last Post: May 2, 2016   (RSS)

By TheSeen - February 3, 2016

Hi all ...

What is the easiest way to combine lists and display them in date order?

For example I want the lists from sections: Cinema, Live and Exhibitions to be displayed together in a single page (What's On) and displayed in a single list in date order of the event.


By Steve99 - February 3, 2016


This example should help get you started. Do your getRecords calls as you normally would, then do an array merge, then use this function with usort for date sort.


function cmp($a, $b){
    $ad = strtotime($a['date']);
    $bd = strtotime($b['date']);
    return ($bd-$ad);

$recordsMerged = array_merge($cinemaRecords, $liveRecords, $exhibitRecords); // merge arrays
usort($recordsMerged, 'cmp'); // sort articles by date


<?php // output ?>
<?php foreach ($recordsMerged as $index => $record): ?>
  Record Info Here
<?php endif ?>


By TheSeen - February 4, 2016

Thanks Steve, will give this a whirl during site build.

By Steve99 - April 27, 2016

Hi Adrian,

On your new page that will combine and list from both sections, place the function in the top of your page. Then place each of your standard listing getRecords calls as you normally would.

  function cmp($a, $b){
    $ad = strtotime($a['date']);
    $bd = strtotime($b['date']);
    return ($bd-$ad);

  // load your records from the "whats on" and "live events" tables
  // load records from 'yourtable_listings'
  list($yourtable_listingsRecords, $yourtable_listingsMetaData) = getRecords(array(
    'tableName'   => 'yourtable_listings',
    'loadUploads' => true,
    'allowSearch' => false,

  // load records from 'yourtable2_listings'
  list($yourtable2_listingsRecords, $yourtable2_listingsMetaData) = getRecords(array(
    'tableName'   => 'yourtable2_listings',
    'loadUploads' => true,
    'allowSearch' => false,

// merge the arrays returned from each getRecords call
$recordsMerged = array_merge($yourtable_listingsRecords, $yourtable2_listingsRecords); // merge arrays
usort($recordsMerged, 'cmp'); // sort articles by date

Then in the body, place your foreach loop to display:

<?php foreach ($recordsMerged as $index => $record): ?>
  Record Info Here
<?php endif ?>

Hope this helps.


By Steve99 - April 27, 2016

Great, glad it's working for you!

You can set "Order By" on both of those Section Editors in the CMS under the Sorting tab to date DESC. By default the CMS will sort your records by what is set in there. Best way to handle it.

The sorting can also be manipulated on the getRecords array:

'orderBy'  => 'set your sorting here',


By TheSeen - April 27, 2016

Hi Steve ...

Updated the CMS to 'date DESC, title' but it's putting all events into backward order both on website and in the cms

i.e.. not the nearest date first

The main combined index page is still backward order too.

In the CMS when it was set to 'date, title' the events were all ordered listed correctly in the cms and on website pages (apart from the combined index page).

By TheSeen - April 27, 2016

Hi Steve ...

Can I PM you?

By Steve99 - April 27, 2016

My apologies, I read that too fast! Instead of DESC you'll want to use ASC, so it will be 'date ASC'. You should be good to go after that.


By TheSeen - April 27, 2016

Thanks Steve ...

Will try this as soon as possible.

I've lost all access into an site cms pages or to the cms itself though. Getting the flooding error message from the cms:

The database error given was:
User update already has more than 'max_user_connections' active connections

Any ideas what this could be? Any one possibly messing around after I put the urls on the forum?