Small suggestions for the future

5 posts by 3 authors in: Forums > CMS Builder
Last Post: October 12, 2022   (RSS)

Hi all,

Just some small nit picks of mine.

1) After I've cleared the developer log table, I'd prefer "Yay, no records were found!" to "Sorry, no records were found!" 

2) I'd also prefer that the defaults for the login log section included "Don't allow modifying records" and "Don't allow removing records", and that the CreatedDate field label read "Login Date" so it would appear that way in the record list column headers instead of "Created Date".

If you folks agree, maybe somewhere down the road you'll change these.


Jerry Kornbluth

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By daniel - October 10, 2022

Hey Jerry,

Thanks for the suggestions!

For #1, that message is tied to all of the list pages in the CMS so it'd be non-trivial to change it just for the error log, but I can understand how the language feels a bit odd in that spot.

For #2, can you elaborate on the "login log" you're talking about? That sounds different from the built-in Audit Log; is it perhaps a customization or plugin?


Technical Lead

Thanks for looking at this, Daniel.

Regarding #2, I think you're right.

On looking at the audit log, all my suggestions are already in place. 

I had an old log in log section that I had created many versions back to perform the same function, and it carried through to some later installations.

My bad...

Sorry about #1 though, but certainly not critical.

Jerry Kornbluth

The first CMS Builder reference book is now available on-line!

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Hey Mr. Dave,

Language is sure fascinating, isn't it...

So, I did what you suggested and at least now it doesn't say 'sorry' when all errors are gone.

Appreciate both your help and your linguistic insights



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