CMSB COOKBOOK PHP code copied from Firefox has nonprinting characters causing errors (I Think)

10 posts by 3 authors in: Forums > CMS Builder
Last Post: April 27, 2023   (RSS)

Hi all,

I’ve come up with a weird issue.

Lately, when I copy any php code snippets from my CMSB Cookbook recipe detail page (that is displayed in the latest version of Firefox with standard security settings and no plugins), and try to paste it into a blank php page, I get a multitude of errors (I’m seeing them in Dreamweaver, image attached) and the errors also keep the page from displaying in a browser. A copy of a page with malformed code is also attached.

I can, however, generate clean detail viewer code for the detail page and any code copied from that page viewed in Firefox throws no errors and works correctly.

I can also view the recipe detail page in either Chrome or Edge, and any copied code snippet show no errors.

I'm running CMSB Version 3.57 (discovered the issue in 3.55 before I updated today) and PHP 7.4 (Bluehost hasn't updated my server to PHP8+ yet)

I’m pretty sure that it has something to do with the code on the detail page (attached) that is generating some non printable characters that mess with Firefox, but I’m pretty much at the limit of my expertise here.

The original code was created in December 2018 with much help from Daniel Louwe.

The original forum thread was:
And the CMSB Cookbook recipe is at:


Jerry Kornbluth

The first CMS Builder reference book is now available on-line!

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By Dave - January 12, 2023

Hi Jerry, 

That's an interesting one!  

It looks like the spaces in the code are being replaced by a multibyte UTF-8 sequence (hex: C2A0, unicode: U+00A0) which is the no-break-space (nbsp) Unicode character.  PHP doesn't understand that as a space, so it's as if there an unknown character anywhere a space should be.

It may be the code formatting PHP code is inserting that.  Or you might have some code that is turning   into that.  In any case, you want to use the HTML entity   

I'd double-check any code formatting code you have. 

Hope that helps!  Let me know what you find out!

Dave Edis - Senior Developer

Hi Dave,

Glad you could find a possible culprit.

Is there any way for you to check the php recipe code for any issues or required updates through consulting?


Jerry Kornbluth

The first CMS Builder reference book is now available on-line!

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By Dave - January 17, 2023

Hi Jerry, 

Sure thing, just send through a second-level support ticket with instructions on how to recreate the issue and we'll have a look.  


Dave Edis - Senior Developer

Thank you Dave,

I've submitted the support request

Jerry Kornbluth

The first CMS Builder reference book is now available on-line!

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By Codee - March 31, 2023

Hi Jerry, 

Maybe a small clarification here...the errors are occurring AFTER pasting into dreamweaver, right?  Have you tried opening a plain text editor like notepad, uedit, etc...and compare the result to the dreamweaver paste?  If it works flawlessly in the plainer editors then my guess would be dreamweaver is the issue. 

Hi Codee,

Thanks for the insight.

It's so hard to tell.

I switched to Chrome and the code in Dreamweaver was fine.

After a few upgrades of Firefox, the issue seems to have dissapeared also. I'm using a really old version of Dreamweaveer though so maybe it was that after all.

Thanks for putting on your thinking cap though.


Jerry Kornbluth

The first CMS Builder reference book is now available on-line!

Take advantage of a free 3 month trial subscription, only for CMSB users, at:

By Codee - March 31, 2023

No problem, Jerry. That was actually the final straw for me to abandon dreamweaver years ago.

By gkornbluth - April 1, 2023

I might do the same.

What are you using now?


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