CMSB v3.70 Released (Jun 3) - Mail Updates & More

4 posts by 2 authors in: Forums > CMS Builder
Last Post: June 5   (RSS)

By Dave - June 3 - edited: June 3

Hi everyone,

We're excited to announce the release of another CMS Builder update.  This one has some mail updates and usability improvements. Here are some of the significant changes:

  • Send Test Message:We've also added a "Send Test Message" button under Admin > Email Settings. This sends a test message with the current settings and displays mail server debug output, allowing you to verify outgoing mail is working and identify potential problems quickly
  • Email Deliverability Testing: Under Admin > Email Settings you'll find a test form and instructions on sending a test message to and These free services can quickly give you a complete deliverability analysis (checking SPF, DKIM, DMARC, and blacklists) so you can feel confident your client's outgoing emails will get delivered
  • Bootstrap Icons: You can now use both Font Awesome AND Bootstrap icons under "Database > Editor > Menu Icon". There's a link to browse icons for either set and simply copy the icon code to display it.  e.g., bi bi-emoji-sunglasses
  • Google OAuth support:For those who use Google for sending mail, they're requiring everyone to switch to OAuth authentication this fall, so we've added support for that.  There's a new option under Admin > Email Settings for Google OAuth as well as instructions to set it up.  Here's a support document from Google about this change:
  • CMS Builder API:To support Google OAuth callbacks we've created a CMSB api.php script.  This first version is very simple but we have big plans to expand API functionality in the future
  • Easier Related Records:We simplified all the defaults for linking tables and showing related records from another section.  See this post for step-by-step instructions on how to try that out:
  • Lots of bug fixes, and UI improvements.

Here's the complete changelog.

*** June 3, 2024 - Version 3.70 (Mail Updates)

SERVER REQUIREMENTS: PHP 8.0+ and MySQL 5.7+ (or MariaDB 10.2+)

- Email Settings: Added "Test" button to send a test email and show mail server debug info
- Email Settings: Added links for testing email deliverability: SPF, DKIM, DMARC and blacklists
- Email Settings: Added support for sending mail via Google with OAuth2
- New CMS API: Initially being used for OAuth2 mail support, will be expanded in future versions
- Developer Console: We now use inline Ace code editor for PHP and SQL content
- Database Editor > Menu Icons: Bootstrap Icons are now supported:

- Sessions: Resolved issue that caused sessions to sometimes expire prematurely with CSRF errors
- SQL Numeric Columns: Saving blank values now saves NULL instead of 0 if numeric columns allow null
- Website Backup: Improved support for downloading very large backups without memory issues
- Website Backup: dot folders (.git, .cache, etc.) are now excluded from backups
- Website Backup: "Code Only" backups now exclude /vendor/ folder
- Settings File: Moved mail related settings under 'mail' key in settings.ini.php
- Sessions: Fixed issue where changing timezone could cause sessions to expire prematurely
- Sessions: Unique session cookies names are now generated for each CMS installation
- Database Editor > List Fields (options from database): Recommended value/label columns are preselected
- Database Editor > List Fields (options from MySQL): Added :_ placeholder for inserting table prefix
- Database Editor: Primary key 'num' can now be named 'id' for better compatibility with other systems
- Database Editor > Related Records: Default options now just work if you name your foreign keys 'tableName_primaryKey'
- Examples: article_num or news_id
- Related Records > Create button: Now passes tableName_primaryKey for populating new records, e.g.: news_id = 123
- Programmers: Added case-insensitive utility functions: stri_starts_with, stri_ends_with, stri_contains
- Programmers: Added new plugin action: cron_postDispatch
- Security: New setting in /data/settings file: security.cookieSameSite to set SameSite cookie attribute (default: Lax)
- Improved path detection for web root and PHP binary
- Misc Code and other minor improvements.

You can download the latest version here:

Please feel free to ask any questions or post any feedback, questions, concerns, or bugs you find! 

Thanks, we look forward to your feedback! :)

Dave Edis - Senior Developer

By JeffC - June 5

Hi Dave

Related Records are much easier to set up now, thanks.

Can I make a request for a future update? It would be great if the dragsortorder column was included in the list of pulled-in records. It's great that a user can add/delete and modify. If they could drag the order too that would mean we can hide the related table in the navigation.

On a lot of my builds being able to do this would reduce the number of items in the navigation by a significant number, making the admin panel a lot simpler for the end user.

It's not a massive issue, but if it's relatively easy for you to implement perhaps you could consider it?


By JeffC - June 5

Awesome Dave, that's a game-changer.

I've just reduced the number of items in my navigation by half. We sell our websites on their ease-of-use, and this makes the admin panel so much clearer and less intimidating to users that aren't particularly tech-savvy.

Noted though that it may not be a good idea in all situations!
