CMSB v3.71 Released (Jun 18) -Help Tooltips & Upload Features

24 posts by 6 authors in: Forums > CMS Builder
Last Post: August 28   (RSS)

Hi Dave. Feature requests ok here? I think it would be nice if, while modifying a record, there were "next" and "previous" buttons to page through the list of records without having to back out to the full list view and come back in.

If this is possible, I believe it would be used a lot to update lists of records fast and efficiently.

I'll second that!

~ Deborah

Hi All, 

Thanks for the suggestion.

Would you want it to just "edit" the prev/next record or save the current record and then go to the prev/next record? 

Dave Edis - Senior Developer

By rez - July 12, 2024 - edited: July 12, 2024

As in "auto-save" when pressing next? Good question. In Shopify, in a product's details, when you page "next" like this (or leave back to product list), it prompts you that you have unsaved changes and you have to press a save button before continuing with the next button again. I haven't made any mistakes nor have I been annoyed.

If pressing "next" saved and also went to the next record with that one click, it sounds convenient (I believe exiting without saving already causes a JS pop-up).

Can anyone think of any cons to this "save and next" button? I would think if you were pressing next, you are wanting to save every time. Otherwise, you cancel to revert?

Is that what you meant Dave? Sorry if I misunderstood. I'm fine with either way but more convenience is welcomed. I'm only experienced with Shopify which does work fine.

Thoughts anyone?

Initially I'm thinking when you click next record/prev record it should save the current one and then go to and open the chosen for editing.  As I mull it through my head, though, why not also incorporate an option that pops up when there is no more prev or next records (you've gone to one end or the other of the pile of records) that reads "There are no more (prev or next) records, do you wish to create a new one here?" 

Hi Rez, 

Let's go back to the original use-case, what kinds fo things are you updating?  Is it that you need to update a single value across many records?  Or different values for each record?  

Dave Edis - Senior Developer

IF there are cons to this...maybe as a feature programmed into the top and bottom menus in the editor, or as an "advanced" option, or a checkbox in the General Settings section - to toggle the option?

I apologize for the intrusion and digression from the original post.

By rez - July 19, 2024 - edited: August 1, 2024

Hi Dave,

In my cases, it's a different value for each record.

Example 1:
A restaurant with 100 items updates their pricing with increases. Usually, at the same time, they will throw in some description changes of ingredients and such, or I'll be swapping some photos as well. So it's not just always 1 field—price, description, and photo.

Example 2:
A taphouse decides they want to list ABV percentages for all of their beers, and there are 100 in the database. Different values for each record but all the same ABV field.

Example 3:
I'm not going to lie—sometimes it may only be 7 weekly specials, but it's still efficient if possible! ;)

Thank you for considering this and thanks to the other interested users.