3.71 - Can't Edit Any Fields

4 posts by 2 authors in: Forums > CMS Builder
Last Post: July 23   (RSS)

I'm probably being dumb and missing something obvious, but after upgrading to v3.71 I'm finding that I can't edit any fields. So if, say, I go and click 'Modify' on a specific field under the 'Database Editor' then the headings for 'Field Options' and 'Advanced Options' have nothing listed underneath them at all. If I inspect the source code for the page then the fields are all there but the CSS is set to display="none" and the headings aren't click/tap targets, so clicking 'Field Options' does nothing to make the options visible. What am I missing?

As you can imagine, this is kind of a big problem :). I upgraded from v3.66.

Hi Mark,

Try re-uploading the files from the upgrade zip for the /lib/ folder.  Sometimes FTP transfers can skip or miss a file.

Next, try doing a hard refresh in your browser, ctrl-F5 on Windows or cmd-shift-R on Mac.

If neither of those work feel free to fill out a 2nd level support request and we'll take a look for you.


Dave Edis - Senior Developer

Hi Mark, 

Glad to hear it's working and thanks for sharing about what caused it.

Cheers! :-)

Dave Edis - Senior Developer