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270 posts in 140 topics by 1 authors
Latest Post: February 6   (RSS)

Subject Author Forum Post Time
Re: Filtering results from a category menu section JeffC CMS Builder January 28, 2016
Re: Filtering results from a category menu section JeffC CMS Builder January 28, 2016
Re: Filtering results from a category menu section JeffC CMS Builder January 26, 2016
Re: Filtering results from a category menu section JeffC CMS Builder January 26, 2016
Re: Filtering results from a category menu section JeffC CMS Builder January 26, 2016
Modify bootstrap dropdown menu so child items appear as list page JeffC CMS Builder January 12, 2016
Allow Cookies js causing a php error JeffC CMS Builder January 12, 2016
edited: January 12, 2016
Using CMS Builder to drive an app JeffC CMS Builder December 17, 2015
Sending Checkbox info from php form to email JeffC CMS Builder November 27, 2015
edited: November 27, 2015
Searching for any keyword in a phrase JeffC CMS Builder November 11, 2015
Sending a form via email to a dynamically selected email address. Is this possible? JeffC CMS Builder October 28, 2015
Sending Checkbox info from php form to email JeffC CMS Builder October 5, 2015
Restaurant Menu Builder JeffC CMS Builder October 2, 2015
edited: October 2, 2015
Responsive columns pages JeffC CMS Builder August 27, 2015
Unique meta description and multiple list pages JeffC CMS Builder July 2, 2015
Error when updating database fields: "403 forbidden" JeffC CMS Builder May 12, 2015
Crowd funding of plugin development JeffC CMS Builder April 4, 2015
Crowd funding of plugin development JeffC CMS Builder April 4, 2015
Facebook post JeffC CMS Builder: Plugins & Add-ons April 3, 2015
Facebook post JeffC CMS Builder: Plugins & Add-ons March 6, 2015
Can two cmsB sites share one backend? JeffC CMS Builder: Plugins & Add-ons February 25, 2015
Can two cmsB sites share one backend? JeffC CMS Builder: Plugins & Add-ons February 20, 2015
Instant Website Plugin - hiding pages from navigation menu - is this possible? JeffC CMS Builder: Plugins & Add-ons January 22, 2015
Hiding sections from new users that have access to user accounts JeffC CMS Builder January 12, 2015
Hiding sections from new users that have access to user accounts JeffC CMS Builder January 11, 2015