The requested URL /cmsAdmin/admin.php was not found on this server

5 posts by 3 authors in: Forums > CMS Builder
Last Post: October 23, 2009   (RSS)

By NigelGordijk - October 22, 2009 - edited: October 22, 2009

Hi, there.

I'm installing CMSB on a client's server. I've been able to upload all of the files and set permissions as required. The server IP address is; I don't have a URL associated with it yet.

When I run, I get a 404 Not Found error page.

Is it possible to complete an installation with just the IP address, or do I need a full Web address?

Nigel Gordijk

Common Sense Design: User-focused Web design
Tel: 001 519 342 5348 | Web:

Re: [Donna] The requested URL /cmsAdmin/admin.php was not found on this server

Thanks, Donna. I'll check with my host.
Nigel Gordijk

Common Sense Design: User-focused Web design
Tel: 001 519 342 5348 | Web:

Re: [NigelGordijk] The requested URL /cmsAdmin/admin.php was not found on this server

Nigel: The exact same thing happened to me prior to my client getting his Domain Name. The IP is probably a shared-IP as provided by the ISP. I had to use get the client's username as described by Donna for it to work. You'll also have to use it when you configure CMSB. It can be changed later when you get the domain.

Northern Penguin Technologies

"Any sufficiently advanced technology
is indistinguishable from magic."
........Arthur C. Clarke

Re: [northernpenguin] The requested URL /cmsAdmin/admin.php was not found on this server

All sorted - thanks for your help!
Nigel Gordijk

Common Sense Design: User-focused Web design
Tel: 001 519 342 5348 | Web: