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All of our Add Ons have been created to extend the functionality of our solid, standalone CMS. We offer a wide selection of additional components that make it really simple to customize CMS Builder on a site-by-site basis.

Check out our Showcase to see the wide range of sites powered by CMS Builder and customized with our Add Ons.

Unlimited Use: Free Website Membership v1.14
updated Oct 5, 2022  |  tags: Featured , Official , Security , Website Features
Website membership functions for user sign-up, password reset, login, edit your profile, user specific content, and login only content. read more >>
Unlimited Use: Free Geocoder v1.11
updated Mar 13, 2023  |  tags: Featured , Official , Website Features
Automatically geocodes addresses in databases or form input, shows maps with single or multiple markers, and supports searching and sorting by distance. Uses the Google Maps API. read more >>
Unlimited Use: Free Permalinks v1.12
updated Mar 18, 2024  |  tags: Featured , Official , Admin Utilities , CMS Interface , Website Features
Create SEO-optimized permalinks, user defined-custom URLS, or custom aliases for any page. read more >>
Unlimited Use: Free Newsletter Builder v3.08
updated Apr 30, 2024  |  tags: Featured , Official , Admin Utilities , Email & Messaging
Email newsletter software lets your customers quickly and easily publish email newsletters. This software supports creating and sending newsletters, subscribing, double opt-in confirmations, unsubscribing, importing of existing mailing lists, web archives of past newsletters, and powerful background mailer for incremental mailing for web hosts with email per hour limits. read more >>
Unlimited Use: Free Form Generator v1.02
updated Nov 3, 2017  |  tags: Featured , Official , Admin Utilities , CMS Interface , Website Features
Instantly create front-end web forms for adding or updating content into your CMS Builder database. Automatically generate all the form code needed based on an existing section (eg: News, Reviews, Quote Request, etc). read more >>
Unlimited Use: Free Simple Forum v1.07
updated Feb 12, 2024  |  tags: Featured , Official , Social Networking , Website Features
A simple to set up and manage online forum. Includes Bootstrap responsive templates that can be customized as needed with CSS. Email notification for admins, reply to users and subscribe to threads. We use Simple Forum to power our own forum here at Try it out using the demo link below. read more >>
Unlimited Use: Free Offline Mode v1.02
updated Feb 9, 2024  |  tags: Featured , Official
"Offline Mode" provides local copies of common libraries and resources instead of using cloud-based CDNs, ideal for offline servers and enhancing privacy compliance. read more >>
Unlimited Use: Free Facebook Login v2.01
updated Sep 8, 2017  |  tags: Featured , Official , Social Networking
Add one-click "Login with Facebook" to your website to support instant signups and logins from Facebook's over one billion users. read more >>
Unlimited Use: Free CSV Export v1.06
updated Nov 18, 2022  |  tags: Official , Admin Utilities
Easily export your CMS Builder data so it can be edited or manipulated by any other program that supports the standard CSV data format, such as Microsoft Excel. read more >>
Unlimited Use: Free CSV Import v1.17
updated Apr 22, 2024  |  tags: Official , Admin Utilities
Quickly import CSV data files of any size or format into your CMS Builder database. This powerful plugin lets you do one-time imports, sync data with other systems, visually preview data before you import it, and much more. read more >>
Unlimited Use: Free Create PDF v1.10
updated Apr 24, 2024  |  tags: Official , Website Features
Build PDF's on the fly. With the easy-to-use developer functions, you can automate PDF generation from web pages, html code and even remote urls. read more >>
Unlimited Use: Free Website Comments v1.05
updated Oct 6, 2017  |  tags: Official , Website Features
Add "Comments" to any page or section of your website in minutes. Members can post comments and email subscribe to comment threads. (NEW! Now supports uploads so you can optionally allow users to attach files to their comment). read more >>
Unlimited Use: Free Convert to Text v1.02
updated Oct 26, 2020  |  tags: Official , Admin Utilities
Automatically extract text from uploaded files for easy keyword searching. Files types that can be converted to text include: pdf, doc, html, htm, ppt, ocx, pptx, xls, xlsx, ods read more >>
Unlimited Use: Free Report Builder v1.03
updated Sep 1, 2017  |  tags: Official , Admin Utilities
Create custom reports in minutes that your users can view from within the CMS or download directly as CSV. read more >>
Unlimited Use: Free Outgoing SMS v1.07
updated Oct 5, 2022  |  tags: Official , Admin Utilities , Email & Messaging
Sends text messages to cell phones, either immediately or via a queue for bulk messaging. Uses an SMS gateway. read more >>
Unlimited Use: Free Low Disk Space Alert v1.00
updated Sep 24, 2009  |  tags: Official , Admin Utilities
Notifies you by email the moment your server's disk space falls below a certain threshold, allowing you to avoid a multitude of potential problems. read more >>
Unlimited Use: Free Auto Backup v1.04
updated Mar 5, 2015  |  tags: Official , Admin Utilities
Automatically create hourly, daily, weekly, and monthly MySQL database backups, maintain historical database "snapshots" that you can restore from if needed, and even automatically email backups offsite.. read more >>
Unlimited Use: Free Download Mail v1.07
updated Oct 25, 2023  |  tags: Official , Admin Utilities , Email & Messaging
Automatically download mail from any email account right into your CMS. Supports text, html, and even file attachments. Add an incoming email gateway to your application for: ticketing systems, posting articles by email, receiving file attachments, etc. read more >>
Unlimited Use: Free Spambot Email Protector v2.03
updated Apr 16, 2019  |  tags: Email & Messaging , Security , Website Features
Automatically encodes email addresses in viewer pages to protect them from spambots and email harvesters. read more >>
by  |  Unlimited Use: Free Save & Copy Button v1.12
updated Jan 31, 2024  |  tags: , CMS Interface
Add "Save & Copy" button to edit pages that copies a record and its uploads. read more >>
by Chris -  |  Unlimited Use: Free Modify Homepage v1.00
updated Oct 25, 2010  |  tags: , CMS Interface
Allows you to customize the page that users see after logging into CMS Builder. You can change the title and content HTML, or redirect to another section! read more >>
by  |  Unlimited Use: Free Modify Header Links v1.02
updated Jun 14, 2016  |  tags: CMS Interface
Examples of how to add, modify, or remove links from the CMS header (Logoff, Help, License, etc). read more >>
by Chris -  |  Unlimited Use: Free Grey Hidden Records v1.01
updated May 9, 2016  |  tags: , CMS Interface
Changes the colour of records on the list page to grey if their "hidden" field is checked. Includes option to add specific fields with custom conditions for greying out records. Examples: if "date" is older than today and if "task" is complete. read more >>
by Robin Brayer -  |  Unlimited Use: Free Bulk User Access Editor v2.02
updated Apr 9, 2024  |  tags: , Admin Utilities , CMS Interface , Security
Quickly reset access permissions for many users instantly. read more >>
by Karls Sz.  |  Unlimited Use: Free Header Toolbar v1.01
updated Mar 28, 2012  |  tags: , CMS Interface
Plugin based on modifyHeaderLinks (by Dave Ellis) Modifications: added images and shortcuts to quick access to basic CMSBuilder elements for admins + online free image editor link for all users. read more >>
by Cy Morris  |  Unlimited Use: Free Show/Hide Dependent Fields Plus v0.96
updated Apr 25, 2019  |  tags: , CMS Interface
Allows customization of which fields appear or disappear when a key field changes or an option is selected. Based on Show/Hide Dependant Fields 0.03 by Chris, but with more capabilities. See code for more info. read more >>
by  |  Unlimited Use: Free Create Record Here v1.03
updated Jan 4, 2019  |  tags: , CMS Interface
Allow users to choose where new records should be inserted in manually sorted record lists. read more >>
by Djulia S. - Freelance  |  Unlimited Use: Free Export Database Schema XML v1.00
updated Aug 8, 2011  |  tags: , Admin Utilities
Export database schema as XML. read more >>
by Gerald Kornbluth -  |  Unlimited Use: Free Character Counter For Text Fields v1.02
updated Jan 30, 2024  |  tags: , CMS Interface
Add a full featured Character Counter to all of your text fields, site wide. read more >>
by Djulia S. - Freelance  |  Unlimited Use: Free Alert Record Saved v1.02
updated Aug 31, 2012  |  tags: , Admin Utilities , Email & Messaging
Sends an email notification when a record is added or modified. read more >>
by Djulia S. - Freelance  |  Unlimited Use: Free Alert Admin Login v1.02
updated Feb 16, 2016  |  tags: , Admin Utilities , Email & Messaging , Security
Sends an email alert on user login. read more >>
by Michael Kayson - SynesisDigital Ltd  |  Unlimited Use: Free Color Picker v0.1
updated May 12, 2011  |  tags: , CMS Interface
Simple plugin to turn a text input into a color picker. Uses miniColors ( read more >>
by Chris -  |  Unlimited Use: Free Add Apply Button v0.05
updated Jan 4, 2022  |  tags: , CMS Interface
Adds an "Apply" button beside "Save" buttons read more >>
by Chris -  |  Unlimited Use: Free Show/Hide Dependant Fields v0.07
updated Jan 12, 2016  |  tags: , CMS Interface
Allows customization of which fields appear when certain list options are selected. read more >>
by Chris -  |  Unlimited Use: Free New Cats on Top v1.00
updated Jul 30, 2013  |  tags:
Tweak to Category Menus: new category records will be added to the top instead of the bottom read more >>
by Michael Aguilar - Graphic Lingoes  |  Unlimited Use: Free Email New Account Notification v1.02
updated Aug 27, 2018  |  tags: , Admin Utilities , Email & Messaging , Security
The Email New Account Notification plugin enhances the membership plugin. It will give administrators the option to manually send an email to new members from the user accounts list. read more >>
by Michael Habenicht  |  Unlimited Use: Free Simulated VCARD Address v2.00
updated Apr 14, 2014  |  tags:
Combines values from address, address_2, city, state, zip fields on record save to created data field for VCARD address. Works in conjunction with the user-submitted "QR Code Generator v1.01". read more >>
by Chris -  |  Unlimited Use: Free List Field Jump v1.0
updated Feb 21, 2024  |  tags: , CMS Interface
When editing a record in the CMS Interface with list fields which "link" to other records, adds links beside those pulldowns to edit the (foreign) record selected in the pulldown. read more >>
by Chris -  |  Unlimited Use: Free Show/Hide Fields For Users v0.02
updated Jan 12, 2016  |  tags: , CMS Interface
Allows customization of which fields appear depending on the current user's 'skill_level' field. read more >>
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